Six Minutes to Success Program | Outline & Features

Posted on 23rd February 2016 in Products

Six Minutes to Success is a great entry program in personal development.

Its practical steps and real inspiration stories help you master the success principles.

You will enjoy this program if you want to increase your income or start your own business. Maybe you want to create thriving relationships, lose weight or live a fulfilling life.

Do you imagine what your life would look like one year from now?

Imagine if your mentor was Bob Proctor, the best teacher and star of the hit movie The Secret?

 secrets to success 

I enrolled in Six Minutes to Success in November 2014. I wanted to have access to 2 mentors, master thinkers and achievers. Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher, CEO of Proctor Gallagher Institute taught me the success principles. They gave me, on a daily basis, specific things to do to become successful.

is success slipping through your fingers

It is important to understand how your mind works and the power of your subconscious mind.

Are you able to pinpoint the causes of failure?

What are the books you should read and can’t afford to miss?

Success is not an accident nor a luck.

You are the average of the 5 most important people in your life. Are they successful?

I hope that these questions have made you understand the importance of having a mentor.

Are you overwhelmed by a staggering workload?

Hire a virtual assistant.

Is success slipping through your fingers?

Hire a virtual mentor and master the success principles.

Content of the Six Minutes to Success program

You have access to the program via a membership site. It has over 600 amazing videos.

Below is a list of the product features.

Success Start-Up Kit: it consists of 4 videos to help you get the most of this program.

Daily Featured Video: every day – 7 days a week, 365 days a year – Bob Proctor shares a thought that will cause your mind to expand. You get instructions to follow to move into action. The videos are short, 2-3 minutes long on average.

results that stickAudio MP3s: each Six Minutes to Success daily video comes with a downloadable MP3 audio file for the individual on-the-go.

Transcripts: you have access to the transcripts (pdf file) of each video. You can have the text in front of you and jot down notes.

The program has more than 11 categories. The main categories are Success, Emotions, Thinking, Motivation, Universal Laws & Principles, Money, Goals, Leadership, Challenges.

Cost of Six Minutes to Success

The program has two membership levels.

The basic membership cost is $49.97 USD per month which is less than a coffee per day.

The premium membership monthly fee is $99.97 USD.

When you enroll to the premium membership, you get instant access to the complete 600+ video library. You also enjoy access to LIVE monthly Q&A webinars with Bob Proctor.

How to subscribe to the program

Click this link to subscribe to Six Minutes to Success!


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